Linewidth enhancement in spasers and plasmonic nanolasers
OPTICS EXPRESS 21, 2147 (2013)
how to introduce time dependence in quasi-statics
Broadband and broadangle optical antennas based on plasmonic crystals with linear chirp
photon to plasmon at any wavelength at any angle
Photonic signal processing on electronic scales: electro-optical
field-effect nanoplasmonic modulator
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109, 053901 (2012)
truly electronic-size plasmonic modulator
Surface plasmon polariton amplification upon electrical injection in highly-integrated plasmonic circuits
NANOLETTERS 12, 2459 (2012)
electric gain for SPP
Low-temperature plasmonics of metallic nanostructures
NANOLETTERS 12, 1561 (2012)
temperature is important
Efficient low dispersion compact plasmonic-photonic coupler
OPTICS EXPRESS 20, 12359 (2012)
photons to plasmons simple
Plasmonic sinks for the selective removal of long-lived states
ACS NANO 5, 9958 (November 2011)
no more bleaching
Guiding light at the nanoscale: numerical optimisation of ultra-subwavelength
metallic wire SPP waveguides
OPTICS LETTERS 36, 3127 (August 2011)
small, smaller, tiny plasmonic waveguides are possible
Random lasing in low molecular weight organic thin films
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 99, 041114 (July 2011)
random lasing in organics: towards organic plasmon laser
All-plasmonic modulation via stimulated emission of co-propagating surface plasmon polaritons on a substrate with gain
NANOLETTERS 11, 2231 (June 2011)
no light needed: plasmon amplifies plasmon
Plasmonic nanoantennas: fundamentals and their use in controlling
the radiative properties of nanoemitters
CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 111, 3888 (June 2011)
Fano resonances in nanoscale plasmonic systems: a parameter-free
modeling approach
NANOLETTERS 11, 2835 (May 2011)
Fano resonances: simple approach
Designed ultrafast optical nonlinearity in a plasmonic nanorod metamaterial enhanced by nonlocality
NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 6, 107 (January 2011)
the most nonlinear material: plasmonic metamaterial engineered for ultrafast all-optical switching
Poling-assisted fabrication of plasmonic nanocomposite devices in glass
ADVANCED MATERIALS 22, 4368 (October 2010)
plasmonic devices fabricated directly inside glass
Electro-optic switching element for dielectric-loaded SPP waveguides
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97, 041107 (August 2010)
want to know why active plasmonic components better than dielectric ones ? read the article
Hyperspectral imaging with scanning near-field optical microscopy: applications in plasmonics
OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 16513 (July 2010)
novel approach to near-field microscopy helps to understand plasmonic devices
Plasmonic light-harvesting devices over the whole visible spectrum
NANOLETTERS 10, 2574 (July 2010)
broadband plasmonic elements proposed
The third plasmonic revolution
read how plasmonics helps to improve magnetic data storage
Silicon-based plasmonic waveguides
OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 11791 (May 2010)
CMOS compatible plasmonic waveguides designed
Amplified spontaneous emission of surface plasmon polaritons and limitations on the increase of their propagation length
OPTICS LETTERS 35, 1197 (April 2010)
SPP amplification and spontaneous emission demonstrated
Plasmonic waveguide as an efficient transducer for high-density
data storage
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95, 171112 (October 2009)
new concept for nanofocusing with plasmonic waveguides proposed allowing high energy throughput  
- Linewidth enhancement in spasers and plasmonic nanolasers,
Optics Express 21, 2147 (2013)
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- Cascaded second-order surface plasmon solitons due to intrinsic
metal nonlinearity,
New J. Physics 15, 013031 (2013)
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- Plasmonic enhancement of the nonlinear magneto-optical response of nickel nanorod metamaterials,
Phys. Rev. B 87, 035116 (2013)
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- Nonlinear plasmonics,
Nature Photonics 6, 737 (2012)
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- Broadband and broadangle SPP antennas based on plasmonic crystals with linear chirp,
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- Brillouin scattering of light by spinwaves in ferromagnetic nanorods,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 324, 3406 (2012)
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- Active control of electromagnetically induced transparency in terahertz metamaterials,
Nature Comm. 3, 1151 (2012)
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- Hybrid nanoparticle-microcavity-based plasmonics nanosensors with improved detection resolution and extended remote-sensing ability,
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- Tailoring and enhancing spontaneous two-photon emission processes using resonant plasmonic nanostructures,
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- Brillouin light scattering by spin waves in magnetic metamaterials based on Co nanorods,
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- Theory of three-dimensional nanocrescent light harvesters,
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- Independence of plasmonic near-field enhancements to the illumination beam profile,
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- Nonlinearly coupled localized plasmon resonances: resonant second-harmonic generation,
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- Multiresonant broadband optical antennas as efficient tunable nanosources of second harmonic light,
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- Analogue of the quantum Hanle effect and polarisation conversion in non-Hermitian plasmonic metamaterials,
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- Microscopic model of the Purcell enhancement in hyperbolic metamaterials,
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- Photonic signal processing on electronic scales: electro-optical
field-effect nanoplasmonic modulator,
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- Transformation-optics description of plasmonic nanostructures containing blunt edges/corners: from symmetric to asymmetric edge rounding,
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- Quantum plasmonics with a nanoparticle array,
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- Enhancement of radiation from dielectric waveguides using metallic coreshells,
Optics Express 20, 16104 (2012)
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- Efficient low dispersion compact plasmonic-photonic coupler,
Optics Express 20, 12359 (2012)
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- Nonlocal effects in the nanofocusing performance of plasmonic tips,
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- Quantum statistics of surface plasmon polaritons in metallic stripe waveguides,
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- Transformation optics description of touching metal nanospheres,
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- Surface plasmon polariton amplification upon electrical injection in highly-integrated plasmonic circuits,
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- Non-exponential decay of dark localized surface plasmons,
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- A transformation optics description of non-local effects in plasmonic nanostructures,
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- Subgroup decomposition of plasmonic resonances in hybrid oligomers,
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- Low-temperature plasmonics of metallic nanostructures,
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- Directional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons via nanoslits under varied incidence observed using leakage radiation microscopy,
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- Spectroscopic ellipsometry as an optical probe of strain evolution in ferroelectric thin films,
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- Plasmonic systems unveiled by Fano resonances,
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- Guiding light at the nanoscale: numerical optimisation of ultra-subwavelength metallic wire SPP waveguides,
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- All-plasmonic modulation via stimulated emission of co-propagating surface plasmon polaritons on a substrate with gain,
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- Designed ultrafast optical nonlinearity in a plasmonic nanorod metamaterial enhanced
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- Poling-assisted fabrication of plasmonic nanocomposite devices in glass,
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- Broadband plasmonic device concentrating the energy at the nanoscale: The crescent-shaped cylinder,
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- A scalable method for demonstrating the Deutsch-Josza and Bernstein-Vazirani algorithms using cluster states,
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- Hyperspectral imaging with scanning near-field optical microscopy: applications in plasmonics,
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- The third plasmonic revolution,
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- Electro-optic switching element for dielectric-loaded SPP waveguides,
Applied Physics Letters 97, 041107 (2010) [read the article]
- Numerical analysis of long-range SPP modes in nanoscale plasmonic waveguides,
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- Quantum theory of surface-plasmon polariton scattering,
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- Plasmonic light-harvesting devices over the whole visible spectrum,
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- Silicon-based plasmonic waveguides,
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- Wavelength Dependence of Raman Enhancement from Gold Nanorod Arrays: Quantitative Experiment and Modeling of a Hot Spot Dominated System,
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- Amplified spontaneous emission of surface plasmon polaritons and limitations on the increase of their propagation length,
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- Enhanced surface plasmon resonance on a smooth silver film with a seed growth layer,
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- Experimental realization of subradiant, superradiant, and Fano resonances in ring/disk plasmonic nanocavities,
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