term 'plasmonics' refers to the science and technology dealing with
manipulation of electromagnetic signals by coherent coupling of photons
to free electron oscillations at the interface between a conductor and
a dielectric.
This field of research has emerged as an extremely promising technology
with several main fields of application: information technologies,
energy, high-density data storage, life sciences and security. The
opportunity to guide light in the form of surface plasmon waves on
metallic films is attractive for the development of integrated photonic
chips where the information can be processed all-optically without the
need of electronic-to-optical and optical-to-electronic conversion, as
well as for integrating photonics with silicon electronics on a fully
compatible platform.
Performance of optoelectronic devices, such as light emitting diodes
and photodetectors, can also be improved by integrating them with
plasmonic nanostructures. Recent research in plasmonics has led to
significant progress in development of various passive plasmonic
components, such as waveguides, plasmonic crystals, plasmonic
metamaterials, with tailored photonic properties. Plasmonic studies
have, however, almost exclusively concentrated on pure metallic
nanostructures and passive devices with properties fixed by the
nanostructure parameters. At the same time, real-life applications
require active control to achieve signal switching and modulation,
amplification to compensate losses along with the direct generation and
detection of plasmons. All these can be realised if plasmonic
nanostructures are hybridised with functional (molecular or
ferroelectric) materials. Here we propose to develop and study hybrid
plasmonic nanostructures consisting of nanostructured metals combined
with dielectrics to enable active functionalities in plasmonic
circuitry. This project will unlock the plasmonics' potential for
improvement of real-world photonic and optoelectronic devices and
provide insight into physical phenomena which are important for various
areas of optical physics and photonic technologies.