Incomplete list
of the links relevant to the project
Nano-optics and Near-field Spectroscopy @ KCL
Centre for Plasmonics and Metamaterials @ IC
Centre for Nanostructured Media @ QUB
Experimental Biophysics & Nanotechnology @ KCL
Experimental Solid State Physics @ IC
Plastic Electronics Doctoral Training Centre @ IC
PLASMOCOM: EC FP6 STREP Polymer-based nanoplasmonic components and devices
PLEAS: EC FP6 STREP Plasmon Enhanced Photonics
PLAISIR: EC FP7 STREP Plasmonic Innovative Sensing in the IR
NANOSPEC: Nanoscience Europe programme on optical nanoantennas
IST MONA: EC SSA Merging Optics and Nanotechnologies
PHOTONICS21: European Technology Platform Photonics for the 21st Century